Saturday, December 24, 2011

How To Catch Your Wife Cheating Guilty or NOT Guilty?

Discover how to catch your wife cheating, with this article from Carrie, which will let you know how to tell if your wife is cheating.

Signs of a Cheating Wife - Is Your Wife Guilty Or Not?

It can be hard to see things clearly when you think you're being cheated on. There are signs to look for that will give a cheater away. If you want to know if your wife is guilty or not, check out these signs of a cheating wife.

1. Your wife is sporting a new look. Maybe she's even been buying new clothes, gotten her hair done and is really making herself look good.

2. Has she found something to do in the evenings to take her away from home? A class, or hanging out with the girls maybe.

3. Is she bringing you gifts?A cheating wife may bring home gifts to throw you off her trail or because it helps her feel a little less guilty.

4. She will withdraw from you and you will notice that she just doesn't treat you the same. She will seem emotionally distant and disinterested. She won't be into cuddling, holding hands, or even sex - most of the time.

5. You catch her erasing all her text messages on her cell phone. She will also act secretive when answering it. You may also get a lot of hang up calls at home. This is one of the easiest clues to spot since the phone is so often used to communicate.

6. Your wife may start cleaning out her car all the time, and taking out the baby seats. You may also notice a new radio station keyed in that you or she doesn't usually listen to.

These are some of the common signs of a cheating wife. Overall, things are just not the way they used to be. Since it's such a big deal to accuse someone of cheating you may want to gather some concrete proof to show your wife before you tell her your suspicions. Another reason for doing that, is that cheaters will usually try to deny their guilt and oftentimes turn their anger on you.

Still it's hard to confront someone if you don't know for sure if she is cheating or not. If you want some more telltale signs to watch out for, check these out at: cheating wife signs. You can also read my review of a system that will let you prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

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