Wednesday, November 30, 2011

3 Signs of a Cheating Wife - Learn the Secrets on Why Women Cheat

There can be a deep and intense reason why women cheat on their husbands --- lack of excitement, lack of understanding and lack of communication, to name a few. If you think your wife is showing clear infidelity warning signs its best you talk things over right away, before it spirals out of control. Now, being cheated on is not easy and it's definitely not a breeze to talk about it. Here are a few signs of a cheating wife to help you breathe a little better. Let's hope she's showing none of these three:

  • She's always distracted. You talk to her and she always seemed miles away. She also always stutters while answering very simple questions. Take note if she's just probably tired or stressed, but if it prolongs, better watch out.

  • She makes a sudden make-over. Did she suddenly change her hair? Did she go shopping for new clothes? Does she suddenly have an abrupt liking to go to the gym? Before you jump into conclusions, make sure she's not doing it to impress you. If she's not, the she's definitely doing it for someone else.
  • She asks about your schedule a lot. A cheating wife would never want to get caught --- and the best way to do it is to keep track of your schedule. She asks if you're going out with your friends this weekend (and she's perfectly fine with it by the way), inquires if your working overtime at work or advises you to drop by your parents on Friday.

Are you still suspicious and on watch of other signs of a cheating wife? Do you still want to make every single day a romantic and intense day for you and your wife? Find out more tips on how to keep a healthy relationship by visiting my website now! It holds all amazing techniques on how to be great and sensual with your woman and I guarantee you no more dull days ever!

If you are truly serious about mastering the art of attraction and being able to date and seduce ANY girl you want, visit this free website now and get a free report: Master Online Dater

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Click Here To Know The Signs Of A Cheating Wife Today!

Another great article from T Dub, creator of The Magic Of Making Up

Signs of a Cheating Wife For the Men Who Love Them

Men often are unaware of some of the more obvious signs of a cheating wife. Men often have this belief that their wife isn't going to cheat on them. Unfortunately, the numbers don't add for that. It is estimated that the numbers for cheating men and cheating women are almost equal. That means that the odds are just as good that a husband will be cheated on during the course of a marriage as a wife being cheated on.

1) She doesn't seem to need you anymore. If your wife has always depended on you a good deal and suddenly stops looking to you for support, a second opinion, or validation of some degree then she has either had a personality transplant or she is getting that support and validation elsewhere. While she may have been taking some self-help classes to help with her self-esteem issues the more likely answer is that the attention of another man has given her the boost she needs to believe in herself or that she is getting that support from the other man in her life.

2) She's keeping secrets from you. Women aren't good at keeping secrets. It's not in their nature. They like to blurt out what's going on in their hearts and minds. The problem for most women is that they have a hard time picking and choosing what to reveal. When the time comes to keep secrets they just stop talking and telling in general so they don't slip up and say the wrong thing. Have you noticed this with your wife?

3) She has suddenly learned to let things go. If your wife has gone from nagging you over this and that and suddenly seems to not at all be concerned then it isn't Christmas and you need to start examining the teeth of that particular gift horse. The absence of nagging for the most part doesn't mean she has suddenly realized what a downer it is. It probably means that it's just not that important to her anymore. Unfortunately, that should lead to the question of what is taking on the role of important now.

4) She's acting guilty. Women don't generally act guilty unless they have something to be guilty about. If she is behaving as though she is trying to make things up to you (being extremely generous in bed, cooking your favorite meals, and just being "overly" nice in general) then the odds are that in her mind she is making up for something. You need to find out what that something is.

Have you left your cheating wife behind? Do you regret that action and want to get your ex back now that you've had time to think things through?

The good news is that it isn't too late. You can get her back but you're going to need a proper plan to make it happen. This plan: has helped thousands of other couples from around the world. Maybe it can help you too.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Signs of a Cheating Wife - 9 Terribly Painful Behaviors!

Great article from relationship expert Jeff Gadley, revealing 9 signs of a cheating wife

So, what are the signs of a cheating wife? Psychologists tell us that people, who are cheating, generally without being aware of it, change their behavior to mentally adapt to the new situation that they are in somewhere else. In others words, almost instinctively, we unknowingly change ourselves outwardly to deal with the new situation.

9 Terribly Painful Signs of a Cheating Wife

Caution: Watch out guys, some of these can really sting a bit!!!

1.> Spending less time at home and even with free time she finds a way not to be at home.

2.> Treating you unusually nice, but watch out, it will not last. She just has to work through her guilt, then..., Whammo! She most likely will become cold, distant and defensive.

3.> She is less interactive with you and yes, unfortunately the children. Special times together and family time becomes almost nonexistent and she is eager to break from the times of those activities together.

4.> Has a girlfriend that seems to cover for her or know where she is when you do not. Tip: the girlfriend could be running interference for her, as in she says that she is going over to the girlfriends place when in actuality it is the new man.

5.> Showering when she comes home, especially when this has not ever been her standard mode of operation. This "shower thing" will often times happen even before a quick hug and kiss hello. She needs to wash away evidence - fragrances, colognes his body odor, their sweat!

6.> A decrease or increase in sex. If you get an increase in sexual activity, it is usually for two reasons. Her lover is not around for a while or she wants to use you as a practice toy for some of the new stuff they have been doing together. Crude, huh?

7.> She kisses you differently whenever you do have a sexual encounter. Ugh! Newsflash: That new, nice hot kiss you just got, she most likely is not thinking about lip-locking with you. It is the other guy!

8.> New trinkets, gifts and lingerie that she hardly ever wears around you.

9.> You have seen her without her wedding ring on more than 2 times in year.

Since you have probably known your woman for a while, I ask the question; based upon the behaviors above, do you think that you have the signs of a cheating wife?

If your love for her is great and you would like to fix your current relationship crisis; please understand that it can be done. However, you need new skill sets and information to make that happen!

I read a relationship saver e-book not too long ago that explained how to handle all the aspects of a relationship that exhibits signs of an unfaithful spouse. This advice for relationships really was a powerful and dynamically educational tool that is life-changing! At this point in your life, you probably would do well to read one too!

Let me know how it all works out, and remember, I will be on the sidelines cheering for you!

FREE Special Help Video! Go See It Right Away! Signs of a Cheating Wife

About the Author

Jeff Gadley has years of accumulated experience working with people as a former RN and coach in the areas of health and fitness. Currently he writes crisis intervention articles for relationships in trouble; providing fast, effective, high-powered solutions for helping individuals repair themselves and their broken relationships. Get Free Monthly Tips and Advice! FREE Love & Relationships Newsletter. Go here -

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Signs of a Cheating Wife - What About the Heartbreak?

Infidelity expert, Octavian explains about the heartache attached when you have a cheating spouse.

Why does it have to hurt so much collecting the signs of a cheating wife?

You know that you have to make sure all your ducks are in a row, that there is no room for error. You've bought the books, read them and are following their advice on how to gather evidence on her. The software has been bought and is gathering information day and night. What about the knife of agony that is thrust through your heart? How can you deal with the uncertainty, the hurt pride and the broken heart?

It is usually impossible to tell where exactly your doubts began unless you caught her in bed with someone. Most of us have to admit that the doubts started gently, slowly, due to no obvious event. Grow they did, though.

Some signs of a cheating wife:

* Maybe it was coming home from work and the toilet seat was up when it was down when you left and no other men were supposed to have been there during the day.

* After a while, you may have asked yourself why the house was such a mess lately.

* It could be that you found some new underwear of hers that you hadn't bought of the type she usually wouldn't get for herself.

However it started, doubt began to grow. the stronger the doubt, the more suspicious clues you found. You've read books on how to gather evidence, what triggers and feeds an affair, what other signs of infidelity you could watch out for and you even have electronic spies backtracking her e-mails and cell phone calls.

This is all fine and good. Results are coming in. Yes, it sure looks like she is having an affair.

Some examples of the pain associated with the mounting signs of a cheating wife:

* Her lies are mounting as is the pain in your heart.

* You go someplace and people give you funny looks. What do they know you don't?

* Leaving home in the morning is an agony of uncertainty. Is someone waiting for an all clear signal even as you drive away?

* Is she picking up some disease that you won't know about until it's too late?

* Pride is stomping on your spirit with big boots.

* Sorrow oozes from every pore on your spirit like acid.

* Uncertainty adds a bitter taste to every moment of the day.

Take heart. You can find a place of relative peace, happiness and contentment. There is a simple thing that you can do to ease up on all this unpleasantness.

Information is the key. Get and use the tools that are readily available to you to get the evidence to be able to confront her with facts that cannot be argued away.

* Gps locators will prove she was at one place when she said she was at another.

* Credit card, cell phone and other invoices will leave a trail of guilt.

* Wireless spy cameras can capture the most damning evidence.

The real magic lies in what you do while the evidence is accumulating. This time can be used to drive yourself insane or you can use it to plan intelligently with how to handle the signs of a cheating wife.

If your heart has turned to ice, use this time to plan how you will deal with her. Is a divorce the way which best serves you or maybe a legal separation? If you have children, this time can be very well spent getting information on what would be best for them.

If you think that your love can withstand the infidelity, you might plan on offering her help and compassion. Why did she want to stray? What's missing in your life together? Is she willing to go with you for counselling or help of some other kind?

The bottom line is that the period of waiting can be used as a time of great turmoil, anger and pain. You can, on the other hand, decide that you want to offer a loving hand to your wandering wife so you can use the waiting time to organize help, find information and plan how you will gently, lovingly give her concrete evidence that you know what is going on and that you are willing to help.

Knowledge can bring you peace or chaos. Like Abraham Lincoln said, "Folks are going to be only as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Knowledge is power when dealing with the signs of a cheating wife. Get the facts and use them to find peace knowing that you are well informed and in control or use the facts to map a loving plan of action to return to the happiness you once knew.

By the way, if you're interested in further empowering yourself, click on The Best Revenge. (It is living well!)

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Friday, November 25, 2011

The Cheating Wife

A really good article from cheating wife expert Joanna.

There are many kinds of intimate relationships in modern society, as times become increasingly liberal. And while nobody has any right to pass judgment on anyone else for their choice in these matters, it is always wise to make sure one's partner(s) are on the same page. As a whole, even in these liberal times, infidelity can be the destroyer of the strongest relationships out there, even if it's not actually present.

This is the case of men who suspect they have an unfaithful wife. Suspicion can be a real green eyed monster, they say. This is entirely true. The problem is that an idle suspicion, especially in something so fragile as a relationship will eventually snowball.

A man may be watching a TV show where the topic is a cheating wife, or see an old sitcom playing a joke about the very form of out of control paranoia he is about to experience himself. It can get an individual wondering, and then crossing the line to unfounded suspicions is but a tiny footstep.

The problem for most men (and many will admit it) is that once a man has a suspicion he has an unfaithful wife, problems begin to escalate. The suspicion turns into paranoia, which then turns into contempt and bottled emotions that are unhealthy.

Many a man has one day just lost containment of this and accused their spouse of being adulterous, when she would never dream of doing such a thing. Fights, stress and hurt spawn from this, and before long, the relationship is toast.

One misconception that causes many men to become overly suspicious is simple. There is a common misconception that men are vastly more likely to cheat than women. While this may have been true before the days of women's liberation, that is no longer accurate.

Now that women are out from under the oppression of male domination in society, they are no longer being brainwashed into the stereotypes their mothers had been forced to be. This newfound freedom has allowed them to just be what all of us are. And that is human, with which comes human nature. When men discover this fact, it is often a shock. Couple this with the self-esteem issues most men over 30 tend to suffer from, and the explosion is impending. Soon there will be suspicions that he has a two-timing wife.

This is not to say that all suspicions of cheating are false and serious signs should not be ignored. As said above, women will cheat, as men will, if they have the kind of mindset and personality that leads to it. Like any other frowned-upon habit, there are fairly standard tells one can learn to find out if one has an unfaithful spouse.

In previous times the only way to go about it with any proficiency was to hire a private investigator to catch them in the act, but in modern times there is an invaluable source of information on the subject online. Once you turn laptop on you will find websites that provide not only frequent articles on the cheating subject by experts, psychologists, and private investigators, but also information from the other side of the fence, allowing one to get inside the head of a cheater to beat them.

The ultimate thing to consider though if one suspects they have a cheating wife is to reflect on how much one knows their spouse. If the marriage is more than a decade old especially, any new and sudden suspicions can also have other implications. If there are obvious signs something is wrong or amiss, and it indicated a cheating wife, then one of two things has happened. Either the husband did not know the wife as well as he had suspected, which makes the relationship pretty much a sham, or something has changed, not for the better, in the relationship.

While the standard moral consensus is that cheating is absolutely wrong, the cheating wife may not entirely be to blame for the larger problem the cheating is a symptom of. One must remember that a relationship is a two-sided effort from both participants. This means that if a husband has changed unpleasantly, or has shown (even if inaccurately) a waning interest in his partner, this can lead to the partner pursuing satisfaction sexually and emotionally elsewhere.

If you are interested in the topic, please visit our blog at

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Signs of a Cheating Wife - Is Electronic Evidence Hard to Get?

Another great signs of a cheating wife article from Octavien

What were the chances, not too long ago, that all a man who was looking for signs of a cheating wife had to do was snoop around her things a bit? He could find a little love letter, a little memento or an article of clothing that smelled of another man.

Those days are over. Most men don't wear cologne, little gifts can be easily hidden in lockers at a gym or at work and love letters now only exist as magnetic blips on the hard drives of computers. Voice and e-mail messages are deleted or forwarded to some place where prying eyes or ears can't get at them. Trying to gather evidence is perceived as trying to hold onto a squirming, slippery eel.

Short of hiring a private investigator, what can a man do?

Most men fear the electronic revolution because they don't know much about e-mail or cell phone technology. Some of the myths surrounding modern communication technology are:

  • It is impossible to back trace a cell phone call.
  • Once an e-mail is deleted, it is lost forever.
  • Short of actually following someone physically, it's impossible to trace where they've been.
  • Electronic transactions can be closely guarded.
  • Signs of sexual activity are really hard to find and prove.
  • Video evidence is the best, but it is really hard to get.

The truth of the matter is the total opposite. Signs of a cheating wife can be quickly collected without hiring a private detective and without having to turn yourself into a rocket scientist.

The following are true in regards to gathering the signs of a cheating wife:

  1. Cell phone calls can be traced back to whoever sent it. It is only a matter of getting some easy to use and very cheap software.
  2. An e-mail is never completely destroyed. There is always a copy saved on some server someplace on the planet.
  3. It is extremely easy to find out where someone has been. It can be done with a cheap, late model cell phone, but the best is a very inexpensive GPS device that is magnetically mounted on her car. It will tell exactly where she's been, when and how long she stayed. It will even tell how fast she drove to get there.
  4. Credit card and online transactions an be easily accessed. Contact the credit card company. They will require you to prove who you are, but after that, they can send you any information on any credit card that you share with your wife.
  5. Absolutely certain evidence of sexual activity can be easily and cheaply obtained. You can buy a semen detection kit for under thirty dollars that can detect the presence of seminal fluid on her clothes up to two months after the fact as long as they haven't been washed. Her body is secreting evidence onto her clothes for twenty-four hours after even if she took a shower.
  6. Video evidence couldn't be easier to get. Are you ready to see it, though? That's the problem. For under a hundred dollars, you can get a tiny hidden video camera with on board memory. No wires, easy to hide and silent, but deadly. You can even buy empty shaving cream cans, flower planters and other things to hide it in.

If you want to gather evidence of the signs of a cheating wife to either prove her innocence, confront her for a showdown or to get back together, electronic evidence is accurate, easy to gather, very inexpensive and impossible for her to deny.

If your heart can stand it, try to keep a small part of it open to help that is out there. Why is she doing what she is doing? Is there any way for the situation to be resolved?

Do you want it resolved?

Good luck.

By the way, if you're interested in further empowering yourself, click on The Best Revenge. (It is living well!)

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

How To Tell If Your Wife Is Having An Affair - Unfaithful Cheating Wife Signs You Need To Know

In this article, infidelity expert Abayomi, explains the unfaithful cheating wife signs you must know!

Do you need to know how to tell if your wife is having an affair? You are probably doing this research because your are suspecting her of cheating or some other reasons best known to you. But whatever the case is, it is very easy. Women are not so complex when they are cheating. As a matter of fact, most of them do just about the same set of things that will let you know they are having an affair. In this article, I am going to talk about a couple of such things that will help you know how to tell if your wife is having an affair.

A new Email account

This is one of the first things she will do when she is cheating because she knows that you have the password to her other email accounts and if she dares to change the password, you will find out and ask why. Therefore, to counter that she will open a new email account. This is what she uses in communicating with her new lover.

Her cell phone has no incoming or outgoing call log and no new text message.

Except if your wife has no friends; that's when her phone will be without call logs and text messages. However, if you find out your wife's phone doesn't have call logs and text messages, then you have something to suspect. She is definitely doing that because she doesn't want you to have any evidence. When there is no call log or text message, you will have nothing to pick to investigate or argue about.

She accuses you of Infidelity

If your wife keeps accusing you of having an affair because you were working late or some other unreasonable excuse, then you probably should suspect her; she is most definitely using that to front. At least, if you are busy trying to protect your integrity, there is no how you will notice that she is having an affair. This is one good tip on how to tell if your wife is having an affair.

Her sexual appetite suddenly increases or drops

Most women use this as a joker. They make sure their men are fully satisfied with sex so that he will not have a reason to think that they are having an affair. If your wife's sexual appetite suddenly increase or drops, then she is most probably having an affair. The four tips above are sure and you will most probably see them in every cheating wife. In any case, you can learn more.

These are just some of the signs of a cheating spouse but do you know that there are some stunning tricks which you can use to catch a cheating spouse within seconds? reveals simple tricks you can use to catch a cheating spouse. These ways are so effective that they are guaranteed to reveal the truth and end all the lies within seconds.... You can't afford to miss this at any cost. click here for more details.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to Deal With a Cheating Wife - Uncover the Truth About Her Affair Today

Another really good article by infidelity expert Hugh, showing you how to deal with a cheating wife

Do you think your wife is cheating on you? Do you have reason to believe that she is being unfaithful? Do you stay awake at night wondering what she did during her day? Do you want to learn the truth once and for all? Now is the time that you learned how to deal with a cheating wife.

People always think that men are the only ones who cheat but that is very wrong. Women cheat too and they do it for all of the same reasons. If women feel neglected or they are insecure then they will cheat. You think that your wife is cheating and you want to learn the truth today. You need to know what is going on behind your back and you need to know now.

In order to deal with a cheating wife, you need to uncover the truth. If your wife isn't going to be honest with you, then you need to get it out of her. You need to take the steps to bring the truth out of her and the only way that you are going to do that is with evidence. You need to look for some signs that she is cheating.

A great way to tell if your wife is cheating is if she is avoiding intimacy with you. If she doesn't want to make love to you or she constantly makes up excuses then it is because she is getting it from someone else. She avoids contact with you because she feels guilty that she just did it with someone else. She can't get over her own guilt and so she cannot face the problem head on, so she ignores it with you.

Another way to uncover the truth about your wife's affair is if she is suddenly spending more time with her friends. If she hasn't seen the girls in months and now all of a sudden they are spending every weekend together, that is a problem. Guaranteed, she is spending this time with someone else and not with her friends. This is an excuse that she is making up to try to hide what is really happening in her life.

Watching for these signs will help you to deal with a cheating wife. You will be able to uncover the truth about her affair and you will be able to do that now. Now is the time that you got down to the bottom of it. It is time to figure out what is happening in your marriage today.

Suspecting that your wife is cheating can leave you feeling confused and alone. You may not think adultery can impact your marriage, but it can. Many men have no idea that their wives are being unfaithful. You can learn within the next few minutes how to catch your wife cheating on you.

You need to know what's going on in your marriage. If your wife is unfaithful now is the time to learn the truth.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

How to Catch a Cheating Wife - Signs She's Having an Affair

Discover how to catch a cheating wife, with the help of this article.

Many married men want to know how to catch a cheating wife. Typically we hear so much about men cheating on their wives, but the fact of the matter is that many women are also unfaithful to their husbands. If you are a man who suspects that your spouse is committing adultery, there are some signs in her behaviour that are clear indications that she is having an affair.

If you want to know how to catch a cheating wife don't overlook something as simple as her schedule. Typically when a person is having an affair they need to come up with an excuse for the time they are spending with their lover. The easiest way for an adulterer to cover up their time is to say they are working late. If your wife suddenly says she needs to put in more hours at the office, yet her pay isn't reflective of that, you need to be concerned. On a related note, if a woman all of a sudden needs to go out of town for a job that always required her to be in town, that's a red flag. She may be jetting off to meet her lover.

Another of the signs she's having an affair can be found in her car. There can be very subtle signs found in her car, but they are important and can't be ignored. A good example is the mileage she is putting on her vehicle each week. Jot down the current mileage and a week later, check it again. If she's driving her car to meet her lover it's going to show on the mileage. Also, take note of how far back the passenger seat in her car is placed. Most men need more legroom and will move the seat back without a second thought. This is something you can certainly ask her about and gauge how much she squirms trying to come up with a solid reason.

40% of married women will be unfaithful at some point. The majority of men in these situations have no idea that their wife is being intimate with another man. For more signs that your wife is cheating including a way to gain undeniable proof of her affair visit this Helpful Site!

You don't have to live with the suspicion that your wife has a new lover. Get the proof you need to catch her so you can confront her. You deserve to know the truth.

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