Sunday, August 28, 2011

Unfaithful Cheating Wife Signs You Can't Ignore - Signs She's Cheating on You

A really good article from infidelity expert Gillian, revealing some classic unfaithful cheating wife signs

Intuition is a powerful thing. It's also the driving force behind many suspicions when it comes to wondering about whether your wife is being unfaithful. Cheating wife signs are obviously important to recognize if you believe the woman you married has taken on a new lover, but never overlook the power of a gut feeling. If you've had a nagging suspicion that something is different with your wife and that she may be spending time with another man, there are some strong signals in her behaviour that will validate what your intuition has already been telling you.

One of the unfaithful cheating wife signs that most men overlook is a sudden change in their wife's appearance. If you and your spouse have been married for some time and she's carried the same hairstyle for years and worn the same clothes, and that drastically changes, sit up and take notice. Quite often when a woman is involved with a new man she wants to look her best. She'll buy new clothes, wear her make up a bit differently and even go so far as to lose a considerable amount of weight. If your wife is putting more thought and effort into the way she looks, it may not be for your benefit.

Another sign that your wife is having an affair is her attitude towards you. This may be subtle but it's something you need to be on the lookout for. Many men assume that if their wife is being unfaithful that she'll be distant and less affectionate towards him. That's not always the case. Many women let their guilt guide them and they end up being more loving towards their husband in an effort to cover up their indiscretion. If there's been a strong shift in how your wife treats you, it may indicate that she's feeling emotionally and physically connected to another man.

40% of married women will be unfaithful at some point. The majority of men in these situations have no idea that their wife is being intimate with another man. For more signs that your wife is cheating including a way to gain undeniable proof of her affair visit this Helpful Site!

You don't have to live with the suspicion that your wife has a new lover. Get the proof you need to catch her so you can confront her. You deserve to know the truth.

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