TDub from the magic of making up, gives some great cheating wife tips below.
It's time to stop wondering if she is and catch your cheating wife in the fact. It isn't easy to face up to the fact that your wife may be cheating on you but living with the doubt and fear is destroying your marriage. Now is the time to take actions and find out once and for all if your wife is cheating on you. Here are a few signs your wife might be cheating you should not ignore. If you notice these signs it's time to plow through the smoke to see if there really is a fire.
- Have your wife's closest friends started treating you differently? If your wife's best friend is suddenly awkward and tongue tied in your presence your wife has either told her about your super secret special move in the bedroom and she can't get that thought out of her mind or she knows something is going on with your wife that you don't know about it. Women talk about everything with their closest friends so it really is a toss up based on tongue tied awkwardness alone. If you're getting looks of pity from her best friend though the signs aren't looking very favorable for you.
- Your wife is suddenly started looking for reasons to fight with you. If your wife has always been the peacemaker in the family and is suddenly raring to go and looking to start fights then it could be the sign of a guilty conscience. Most women do not take the decision to cheat lightly. They are also more likely to have long-term affairs rather than one night stands when they do. The strain and stress of that "double life" will eventually take its toll. One way women deal with this is by finding fault or nit-picking with you. She points out every perceived flaw, starts a fight, and then feels (temporarily) justified in having the affair.
- She suddenly has a spark in her eyes that you haven't seen for a very long time and can't explain. When you don't know the explanation or feel that you're not part of the reason that spark is in your wife's eyes it's a bad sign for the sake of your marriage. It means there is going to be a little work ahead for both of you if you want to make your marriage work. There are some things that are easy to hide. Most women cannot hide the "glow" that comes with being happy in love with someone even with the guilt of cheating on someone else they may or may not happen to love as well.
The easy part is to catch your cheating wife. The hard part lies in figuring out what comes next.
If you want to get your wife back after she's cheated on you then it is possible to save your marriage. But, you should avoid making any bold moves to do either of those things until you watch this free video: that explains the one thing you should NEVER do in this situation.
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