Monday, August 29, 2011

Signs You Have a Cheating Wife

You've married an amazing woman, you share a beautiful chemistry, and you're certain she would never cheat on you... Right? Wrong. Men often misjudge a woman's inclination toward straying; women are as likely to cheat as men in relationships. Having an unfaithful wife is a worry that haunts several husbands. Just the idea of your woman touching another man makes your skin crawl. That's the reason it's always better to keep a lookout for certain signs that point out that you have a cheating wife.

One of the biggest indications of a cheating wife is if you notice any transformation in her attitude or behavior. Sudden changes in conduct always signify that "something's up".

Below are the four signs of an unfaithful woman:

She No Longer Gets Mad At You

If there was a time in your relationship when she expected you to plan out every move you made, but suddenly even the bigger things that you mess-up aren't infuriating her, then something's off-beat. Earlier your wife got enraged when you refused to go out with her on a Sunday evening or if you spent too much time with your buddies. But lately she seems all right with everything that you do. You should wonder why the woman no longer gives a damn.

Remember, this could be a good thing, but it could also be terribly bad.

She Is No Longer As Demanding As She Was

If your wife completely depended on you to take her shopping and make all decisions but suddenly she doesn't need your help anymore, it may mean that someone else has taken your place. To give her the benefit of doubt, its possible that she just requires time to herself, however if she's become extraordinarily independent when she was excessively dependent, it may indicate that she's just not into you anymore.

She Keeps Things From You

If your wife no longer likes discussing her everyday events with you, and to find out what's on with her you have to eavesdrop or check her phone then she may be cheating on you.

Remember, a cheating wife may not want to volunteer any information concerning her daily life.

She Keeps Turning The Focus On To You

When you ask your wife questions does she keep turning the tables on you? Does the former Miss "it's all about me" run out of words when you ask her how her night was? If it's all about you these days rather than "I did that" or "I went to this place", then you better get your gear up.

Remember, no one's perfect. We all make mistakes. Although that does not mean cheating is acceptable, but if your wife shows regret for what she did and if she's worth the effort, then you can forgive - and try to forget. Unfaithfulness is dreadful, but there is definitely a bigger picture to consider. You have to understand that a cheating wife could be the consequence of a problem in your relationship. If the woman has deceived you by getting close to another man, it could very well mean that she is straying to discover what her relationship with you lacks. This does not make her actions fair, but only less appalling. However, that judgment is up to you.

There are definite signs or behavioral patterns that can be used to distinguish a cheating wife from a faithful one. To know more about such signs or patterns is important when you witness sudden changes in the behavior of your partner.

Article Source:

signs of an unfaithful woman

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Unfaithful Cheating Wife Signs You Can't Ignore - Signs She's Cheating on You

A really good article from infidelity expert Gillian, revealing some classic unfaithful cheating wife signs

Intuition is a powerful thing. It's also the driving force behind many suspicions when it comes to wondering about whether your wife is being unfaithful. Cheating wife signs are obviously important to recognize if you believe the woman you married has taken on a new lover, but never overlook the power of a gut feeling. If you've had a nagging suspicion that something is different with your wife and that she may be spending time with another man, there are some strong signals in her behaviour that will validate what your intuition has already been telling you.

One of the unfaithful cheating wife signs that most men overlook is a sudden change in their wife's appearance. If you and your spouse have been married for some time and she's carried the same hairstyle for years and worn the same clothes, and that drastically changes, sit up and take notice. Quite often when a woman is involved with a new man she wants to look her best. She'll buy new clothes, wear her make up a bit differently and even go so far as to lose a considerable amount of weight. If your wife is putting more thought and effort into the way she looks, it may not be for your benefit.

Another sign that your wife is having an affair is her attitude towards you. This may be subtle but it's something you need to be on the lookout for. Many men assume that if their wife is being unfaithful that she'll be distant and less affectionate towards him. That's not always the case. Many women let their guilt guide them and they end up being more loving towards their husband in an effort to cover up their indiscretion. If there's been a strong shift in how your wife treats you, it may indicate that she's feeling emotionally and physically connected to another man.

40% of married women will be unfaithful at some point. The majority of men in these situations have no idea that their wife is being intimate with another man. For more signs that your wife is cheating including a way to gain undeniable proof of her affair visit this Helpful Site!

You don't have to live with the suspicion that your wife has a new lover. Get the proof you need to catch her so you can confront her. You deserve to know the truth.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Detect Your Cheating Wife - How to Find Proof of Cheating in Your Sex Life

What if learning how to detect a cheating wife didn't have to be difficult?

For instance, just imagine that catching your wife's affair was as easy as reading the rest of this article to learn about signs of infidelity in your sex life.

Oh wait, that's exactly what you're doing!

As you continue to read this article, you'll learn:

  1. Why it's a good idea to assume she's cheating
  2. What it means if your sex life has improved
  3. What it means if your sex life is stagnant
  4. How to confirm your suspicious of your wife's affair

Listen, if your wife is having an affair, then it's impossible for your sex life to remain unchanged. There ARE signs of infidelity evident in you and your wife's sexual relationship, you just haven't identified them yet.

What I'd like to do in this article is analyze your marriage's sex life, and hopefully tell you more about your wife's affair.

Important! Before we continue, I want to make sure that you understand that for the remainder of this article we're going to be operating on the assumption that your wife IS in fact cheating on you.


Let's get started:

First, What Are You Looking For?

Well, obviously in order for there to be an investigation of your sex life, you're going to need to know where you stand right now.

I find that it's most effective (especially in the beginning) to document EVERYTHING that you find. In fact, ideally I'd like you to begin taking note of every time you and your wife have sex. This way you can keep track of exactly how often you and your wife do the deed.

This is important, because it gives you a starting point for the rest of this investigation.

So, the first thing you should do is decide on how much you and your wife are currently sleeping together. Then we'll go from there.

You can go ahead and skip to the appropriate section, if you like.

"My Wife and I Still 'Do It' Just as Much as We Used To, Maybe Even More":

Do you and your wife seem to be having sex more often than normal? Has your wife only gotten friskier since you've suspected her of cheating?

Since we're assuming that your wife IS cheating on you, this means one of two things.

First and foremost, it probably means that your wife is cheating on you just for the sake of getting some action on the side. Chances are that she's not emotionally attached to whomever she's seeing, but the affair has woken up her sexual side and now she will sleep with whoever she has available.

That's option #1, here's option #2:

This is only slightly less likely to be the scenario: your wife could just be sleeping with you in an effort to hide the affair.

It's perfectly possible, maybe even down right LIKELY that your wife is only sleeping with you this increased amount in order to guarantee her safety from your prying investigation. She probably assumes that as long as you have sex, you don't care about the rest of the marriage.

She probably assumes that you're too dumb (or some other negative adjective) to figure out that you're being cheated on, as long as you still get your action.

Of course, just by reading this article you're proving her wrong!

"To Tell You the Truth, I Think I'm Forgetting What My Wife Feels Like":

The truth of the matter is that most women can NOT keep things going at home AND with a lover. Most of the time women simply aren't programmed like men are to be able to sleep with 2 men at once.

Most of the time your wife simply won't have energy or desire left over for you, and so your sex life will suffer.

Alternatively (and pray this isn't the case), your decreased sexual frequency with your wife could easily be a sign that she's becoming EMOTIONALLY involved with the affair.

Now, I'm only saying this to prepare you for the worst, but it's possible that your wife has fallen in love with her lover. It's possible that she can't bear the thought of 'cheating' on him, so you never get to see the sexual side of your wife.

It's absolutely disgusting, I know, but it happens. More often than you probably think.

How Can You Be Sure?

Yes, everything I've said in this article is true.

If your wife is having sex with you more, it's possible that she's cheating on you.

If your wife is having sex with you less, it's possible that she's falling in love with someone else.

However, it's also possible that you're going crazy. No offense.

So here's what I suggest you do:

Take some time to actually get PROOF of your wife's affair...It's probably a lot easier than you think.

Listen, there's no reason to continue wondering about whether or not your wife is being faithful when you're not looking. There's no reason that you should have to suspect an affair without actually knowing if it's true.

Even more so, there's NO reason that you should EVER have to question your sanity for the sake of your marriage. It's a sacrifice that you shouldn't have to make.

So, I want you to take the time to catch your wife. I want you to find cold, hard proof that she's having an affair.

5 Signs that Your Wife is Unfaithful - How to Detect a Cheating Wife

Now, if you want to take things one step further, there are other options.

For example, one of my associates is a Private Investigator who teaches others how to catch affairs. He runs a great program, and there are a million and one free reports on his website, all very helpful.

Learn From the Best Private Investigators - Free Video on Infidelity

Either way, thanks for reading!

Article Source:

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Catch Your Cheating Wife - Cheating Wife Signs You Can't Ignore

TDub from the magic of making up, gives some great cheating wife tips below.

It's time to stop wondering if she is and catch your cheating wife in the fact. It isn't easy to face up to the fact that your wife may be cheating on you but living with the doubt and fear is destroying your marriage. Now is the time to take actions and find out once and for all if your wife is cheating on you. Here are a few signs your wife might be cheating you should not ignore. If you notice these signs it's time to plow through the smoke to see if there really is a fire.

  1. Have your wife's closest friends started treating you differently? If your wife's best friend is suddenly awkward and tongue tied in your presence your wife has either told her about your super secret special move in the bedroom and she can't get that thought out of her mind or she knows something is going on with your wife that you don't know about it. Women talk about everything with their closest friends so it really is a toss up based on tongue tied awkwardness alone. If you're getting looks of pity from her best friend though the signs aren't looking very favorable for you.
  2. Your wife is suddenly started looking for reasons to fight with you. If your wife has always been the peacemaker in the family and is suddenly raring to go and looking to start fights then it could be the sign of a guilty conscience. Most women do not take the decision to cheat lightly. They are also more likely to have long-term affairs rather than one night stands when they do. The strain and stress of that "double life" will eventually take its toll. One way women deal with this is by finding fault or nit-picking with you. She points out every perceived flaw, starts a fight, and then feels (temporarily) justified in having the affair.
  3. She suddenly has a spark in her eyes that you haven't seen for a very long time and can't explain. When you don't know the explanation or feel that you're not part of the reason that spark is in your wife's eyes it's a bad sign for the sake of your marriage. It means there is going to be a little work ahead for both of you if you want to make your marriage work. There are some things that are easy to hide. Most women cannot hide the "glow" that comes with being happy in love with someone even with the guilt of cheating on someone else they may or may not happen to love as well.

The easy part is to catch your cheating wife. The hard part lies in figuring out what comes next.

If you want to get your wife back after she's cheated on you then it is possible to save your marriage. But, you should avoid making any bold moves to do either of those things until you watch this free video: that explains the one thing you should NEVER do in this situation.

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