Specialists will sometimes tell us that that husbands with cheating wives are slower to clue in that something is going on than wives with cheating husbands. That's because it's commonly thought that women are more perceptive when something is "off" or wrong. Also, women are thought to be more easily thrown off their regular routine than men. But, even if the signs are harder or later to discover, they are still there and, for the most part, seeing the signs is not rocket science. In the following article, I will outline what I believe are the most common signs that husbands see when their wife is cheating.
Women Often Cheat For Different Reasons Than Men: Before I get to the signs, I'm going to quickly go over why women cheat. I am doing this because I want for you to understand where her thought process is going here. Understanding her thinking and how she is likely justifying her behavior in her own mind will often help you to catch her.
Wives often cheat because they feel that their boyfriend or lover "gets" them and appreciates them more than their husband does. Women often feel very much taken for granted and unappreciated. And often, they won't bring this up. They won't say "listen, I am feeling like I'm a second class citizen in our home. I feel like I'm the one matters the least of every one living here."
No, this would be very rare. Instead, they will let this frustration fester and literally almost boil over. And then, one day, when someone else pays attention to them, notices them, compliments them, and really seems to want to understand them, it's not very hard to understand why they might see this as attractive and desirable.
Sometimes husbands think that their wives lover is better or more desirable than them in some way. Maybe they perceive that he makes more money or is better looking. This is usually not the answer. Often, it's the fact that he's presented himself as a good listener who understands her and who values her happiness and well being. He's romantic (or so he makes her believe) and he's unbelievably attentive. She will usually weigh this with feeling taken for granted at home and she might come to the conclusion that there really is no comparison.
Some Telling Signs That Your Wife Might Be Cheating On You: In order for your wife to move forward and see someone else, she's going to need to distance herself from you and to find fault with you. So, she will leave all sorts of clues that she is doing this. She'll sometimes become belittling, judgmental, and argumentative. She will pick fights so that she can paint you as the bad guy. She might poke fun at you sometimes. She may come right out and tell you that you don't begin to understand her. She might become more verbal and argumentative than she has ever been before because she is attempting to assert her independence.
Changes In Her Routine: You'll likely see a lot less of her and you'll notice changes in her routine. Maybe she had dinner with you every Saturday night or had drinks with coworkers after a mid week meeting. You may see her changing these things up and telling you that she's going shopping, taking a class, or doing something else where you would not need to come along and can't easily verify where she actually is.
She might also be different in terms of intimacy and sex. Sometimes, things will cool way down and sometimes things will heat way up. Actually having more sex is sometimes meant to throw you off the trail or happens as she is experiencing or wanting to experiment with different things.
Changes In Her Appearance, Happiness And Energy Level: Another tip off is her suddenly wanting to look her best all of the time. Maybe she was perfectly happy in sweats and tennis shoes when she wasn't working before, but now she wants new clothes, a new hair style, and a new attitude. She'll likely seem to have a lot more energy, be a lot more busy, and seem much more content than before.
A Cheating Wife May Guard Her Cell Phone, Computer, Car, Purse, And Clothing Like These Things Are Prized Possessions: Obviously she's going to want to keep her activities from you, at least at first. (Sometimes they get to the point where they don't care if you find out and actually want you to catch them. But in the beginning at least, this is rarely the case.)
You might notice that she doesn't want you anywhere near her purse or her car. She'll carry it with her everywhere (the purse) and may even lock it in her car at night. You might see her erasing the internet, email, and cell phone history. Many people communicate with the other person on facebook. She might open a new account there, change the password on her old account, or leave the old account stagnant. She may also do the laundry behind closed doors and be secretive about seemingly meaningless things that just don't make sense.
It's pretty easy to see signs that things are changing. However, she will often deny anything is wrong when you confront her. This doesn't mean that you should give up if you really want to know the truth. She will leave clues because her world is changing and you share this world, at least for now. She has to see and communicate with him some how and there is almost always evidence of this.
I was in this same situation a short time ago, but I tried to confront my husband too soon, before I had proof, and of course he denied everything and the confrontation about his cheating went horribly. I decided that I really wanted to know the truth, no matter what that truth was. I learned how to get concrete information and proof that my husband thought that he had hid and erased. Once I presented this to him, he had no choice but to come clean. You can read my very personal story at http://catch-the-cheating.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Seeta_Dean
signs of a cheating wife
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