Do you think your wife might be cheating? Most men do not have a clue their wife is cheating until it is too late. Divorce is running at approximately 50% and about 40% of married women have cheated at some point during their relationship. See how to keep this from happening to you.
If you have a funny feeling that your wife might be cheating, then you may be right. Intuition is very powerful and most of the time it is unbelievably correct. Do not jump to conclusions without hard evidence, but if you have a suspicion your wife might be cheating it might be good cause for investigation. Look first at the reason you feel she might be cheating. Does she act differently toward you or does she say things that make you feel uneasy about her fidelity.
- Having a cheating wife is no fun especially if you do not find out for some length of time. One of the most overlooked signs of cheating is the tendency for a woman to begin taking extra care of the way she looks. You may think she lost weight, got a new hairstyle, bought new clothes and makeup just for you, but the real truth is she may be trying to impress someone else.
- Very often when a woman gets involved with a new man, she will fix up more and try to look her best. It is really a telltale sign if she fixes up more than usual before going to work in the morning. This could be a sign that she is having an affair with a co-worker or she is meeting someone shortly after leaving her work place.
- Another often-overlooked sign of an affair is a change in attitude. Does your wife seem to be a little touchier and more argumentative towards you lately? Does it seem that everything you do seems to upset her? Sometimes when a woman is having an affair they are overwhelmed with feelings of guilt letting everything that their husband does upset them. If you notice your wife showing signs of guilt, then she may be having an affair. She may even accuse you of having an affair just to cover her feelings of guilt.
- Does your wife seem distant in the bedroom or does she seem to be more tired than usual? She may even go to bed early and pretend to be asleep to avoid sexual contact. This action again comes from guilt. She may feel guilty for cheating on you with another man and if she has feelings for the other man, she may feel guilty for cheating on him with you...her own husband.
Cheating among married women has become an every day event and most of their husbands do not have a clue. Look for the warning signs early and you may be able to head off your wife having an affair and get your marriage back on track.
This is just a few tips to help catch a cheating partner. You can learn more and know for sure if your partner is cheating or not and help save your relationship at To Catch A Cheating Partner.
Cheaters can concoct cover ups that if not caught early can make you look foolish and destroy your relationship for good. Learn how to catch a cheating partner and know for sure before it is too late.
This free report will let you know for sure if your partner is cheating or not. Receive the free report at http://ToCatchACheating.com. When you know for sure you will know what to do to make it stop and save your relationship.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tony_C_Edwards