Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Signs You Have a Cheating Wife! - 25 Signs Your Spouse Cheats - You Must Know Before Its Too Late

Awesome signs of a cheating spouse tips from Daytona below.

If you are looking for signs you have a cheating wife, but you're not really sure what to look for. Nothing in life can prepare a man for the feelings that hit him when he discovers that his wife is cheating. You suspect your wife, but you don't have that concrete proof that she's really cheating. The reasons women cheat vary considerably. Some get involved in extra-marital affairs because they are lonely, others because they want to escape the boring day in day out routines of marriage. Still others are motivated to cheat as a form of revenge after they suspect or catch their husbands infidelity.

There are many tell-tale signs you have a cheating wife. Of course, the only sure way to tell she's cheating is with evidence, however looking out for a few warning signs can go a very long way towards answering your concerns. A woman doesn't become a cheating wife overnight. Infidelity develops in stages and in most every case, there are tell tale signs along the entire process. Many of the signs of upcoming infidelity are evident way before the physical act of infidelity takes place.

Here's the top 25 tell tale signs that your wife is cheating on you.

  • She has a "glow" about her.
  • Mutual friends start acting strangely toward you.
  • She buys new underwear and/or clothes.
  • When she arrives home she heads straight into the shower or bath.
  • Sets up a new e-mail account and doesn't tell you about it.
  • She picks arguments over the smallest things, even when you've done nothing wrong.
  • She sleeps with her purse or cell phone by the bed.
  • Begins to delete all incoming phone calls from the caller ID.
  • Shows a sudden interest in a different type of music.
  • She joins a gym or works out at home vigorously.
  • She starts wearing sexy panties and bras in a color she knows you don't like.
  • You find condoms in your wife's glove box.
  • She stops wearing her wedding ring.
  • You notice that she is reluctant to kiss you or accept your affection.
  • She uses a low voice or whisper on the phone or hangs up quickly.
  • She becomes suspicious of you, due to her own guilt.
  • Has unexplained scratches or bruises on her neck, back or buttocks.
  • She goes to the store for groceries and comes home 5 hours later.
  • Smells of an unfamiliar perfume or after-shave.
  • Picks fights in order to stomp out of the house.
  • She stops paying close attention to events in the family.
  • You get calls where the caller hangs up when hearing your voice.
  • Suddenly wants to try new love making techniques.
  • Your wives friends are uncomfortable around you for fear of spilling the beans.
  • You notice credit card charges for gifts that you didn't receive.

Remember, there are ups and downs in every marriage. These signs are not a guarantee that she is cheating, but put these signs together with a few other pieces of evidence, and you may be on to something. For example, if your sure of some of the above signs, go invest a few dollars in a reverse phone lookup to get some more evidence. maybe the number that calls and hangs up at your home, or the number on her cell phone or phone bill you have questions about.

How do you know if you have a cheating wife? If you suspect your wife is cheating but you're not 100% sure, get all the answers within 48 hours.

All you have to do is visit to get the hard facts!

Article Source:

a cheating wife

Friday, June 10, 2011

Key Secrets to Unfaithful, Cheating Wife Signs - Ultra-Vital Tips? You Be the Judge!

Do you lie awake wondering if your wife is thinking about someone else? On the rare occasions she wants to make love do you think she might be imagining someone else? You will see that you can quickly and easily detect the signs that will inform you if you do have an unfaithful, cheating wife.


You will have to do some detective work. Observe how she behaves; watch the way she reacts to your touch and your voice. By doing so, you will catch glimpses of her attitude to you.

To find the signs of an unfaithful, cheating wife, you must look closer than you do for the signs in men. Do not make the mistake of comparing your wife to your male friends or colleagues and how they behave when they are cheating. Women react to things differently.

Unfaithful, cheating wife signs include:

o Walking about the house happily singing. Before she was miserable, glum and depressed

o Taking more care of her appearance and grooming - although this is not always a sign that she is cheating it can be part of a combination of signs

o Being very reticent regarding her cell phone, reluctant to let you borrow it

o The Big Sign: She will not want sex! Women have sex to connect emotionally. If your wife is unfaithful then she will not have sex with you. She will be daydreaming of her lover most of the time.

These are some of the unfaithful cheating wife signs. Viewing these characteristics in your wife in combination will mean that she is probably seeing someone else.

What if she is cheating?

You are obviously intelligent enough to know that it could mean you lose your home, your family - imagine someone else being in the parent role, daddy to your children!

But if you can prove she an unfaithful cheating wife then you will gain more sympathy with the judge should it come to a divorce. What you need to pinpoint is solid evidence that she is having an affair.

So, do you want more signs and ways to get concrete proof?

Yes, I thought so.

"You must" visit to learn how to get everything you need in the way of evidence.

Don't believe me? Check for yourself at unfaithful cheating wife signs.

Article Source:

unfaithful cheating wife signs

Sunday, June 05, 2011

How to Know If Your Wife is Having an Affair - 3 Signs of Cheating Wife!

Here's some great advice from cheating wife expert Jackie

Infidelity ruins a lot of relationship but if you know how to stop it in time, you can get over it. I want to tell you how to know if your wife is having an affair and give you 3 signs of a cheating wife. If you recognize any sign then you probably have a problem in your marriage!

If your wife looking for a reason to get away from home or from you - then she probably has something more interesting to do. Many women use the technique of picking a fight with the husband and then leave the house angry. It works great for them. Another method is to go for shopping, groceries or any other excuse. Bottom line - if she spends too much time out of home then you should be very suspicious!

If she stopped demanding affection, sex or other thing from you - someone else is giving them to her! Women need all the romance and the excitement so if she stopped asking for it then she is probably cheating. You are here because you think you wife is acting a little different - does it look familiar to you?

If you find new sexy closes in the closet and she didn't show them to you - unless it's some surprise for you I would become very suspicious! When a woman has a lover she experiences all these romantic feelings again - she wants to be beautiful for him. That's why a woman who is cheating will go to the gym, by new closes, do her hair. If she has new grooming habits and you know that for you she wouldn't do it then maybe she is having an affair!

If you are suspecting your wife is cheating on you but can't find out for sure then go to and discover how you can make your wife admit she is having an affair and tell you all the truth!

Article Source: