Thursday, August 14, 2008

Signs of a Woman Committing Infidelity

A great sign of a cheating wife article by Daniel Theron titled, 5 Signs of a Woman Committing Infidelity

How do you recognize whether or not your wife is having an affair with another man? You do not want to accuse her of infidelity when it is not the case. Someday you may need to read some of the signs of a woman having an affair.

Sign #1. Problems in the bedroom -- Your wife used to be interested enough in being intimate with you. If there is a sudden and unexplained change such as showing too much interest or too little, there may be something more going on.

Sign #2: Old Habits die hard -- People fall into routines and habits. If your wife recently started working late or joined some unknown club and has to go to meetings with people you have never met, there may be more to tell. Be involved with or find out more about her new activities and friends. That should keep you in the loop.

Sign #3. Just called to say I love you -- Your wife gets a call on the phone or her cell phone and she quickly leaves the room or closes a door. Why is she so secretive about certain calls? Take note of this.

Sign #4. Engaging emails -- Does your wife receive emails from a secret admirer that she does not share with you? That's right, this is the digital information age and an affair does not have to include physical infidelity to be considered cheating. The content of the emails will probably be intimate in nature.

Sign #5. Mirror, mirror on the wall -- Your wife is usually not obsessed with how she looks, but recently she has been paying special attention to her appearance. You did not suggest to her that she lose weight, buy some sexy lingerie or change her hairstyle. Why did she decide to drastically alter her appearance? Did she do it for herself, for you or for another man?

Do not jump to conclusions or act impulsively and accuse her of cheating on you if you do not have rock solid evidence of infidelity. You need find out what is behind your wife's changing behavior. Just be aware of these 5 signs of a woman committing infidelity.

About the Author

Copyright 2008 - Daniel Theron. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Are you concerned because your spouse has been behaving suspiciously and you suspect it is because of an affair? When it comes to catching your cheating spouse, you want to be informed. Take one moment and visit the latest Spouse Cheating Blog.


sign of a cheating wife

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Spot the sign of a cheating wife

Blanking you, mentally and physically, even when you show affection to her. She starts to be more private. She snaps at you when you ask for small favors. You may be looking at the sign of a cheating wife.

Infidelity is never welcome in a marriage, even when dating. It takes effort and commitment to sustain a good relationship, and a cheating spouse would ruin this. So when you see the sign of a cheating wife, what should you do?

So what are the many signs of a cheating wife?

1. One classic sign of a cheating wife is that she seems irritated and annoyed, at the sight of her husband.

2. A cheating wife does not respond to affection from her husband. In fact, she may detest it, maybe because she feels guilty and thats the only way she knows how to show it.

3. Secrets, secrets, secrets, a cheating wife keeps many secrets and does not want to talk.

4. She's so happy! But it's NOT you thats made her happy.

5. NO SEX! Classic sign of a cheating wife.

Any major change in your wife's behavior is a classic tell tale sign of a cheating wife, watch her closely, but DO NOT confront her!

When your suspicions are confirmed and the signs of a cheating wife are to obvious to ignore, get help! Do not do anything stupid. Anger and violence will solve NOTHING!

Do not turn to drink, this is exactly what she would like, then it will all come out, you see when the doo doo hits the fan, she will look for anything to blame, and that anything will be you! If you really want revenge, be the perfect husband/father, because this will destroy her when the truth gets out.

Do not immediately think divorce, maybe your wife was cheating because of faults in your character. If really love her, or have young children, try to get marital counseling and at least try to save your marriage.

The classic signs of a cheating wife are serious; but the best way to deal with them is to keep calm at all times.

Try to keep a level head when you see the sign of a cheating wife. Find out the problem, and try to work your way through.


sign of a cheating wife

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

sign of a cheating wife

How to Catch a Cheating Wife by sign of a cheating wife expert, Tong Lin

You may have a feeling that your wife is cheating on you but you don't want to confront her with no evidence to go on because it is possible that you are just being paranoid. Perhaps her being secretive and seeming to sneak around may be perfectly innocent, such as planning a surprise party to show you how much she loves you. Before you make any attempt to confront a cheating wife, you do need to have evidence to back up your accusations. Usually, though, when you notice that things are different between you and you start to have suspicions, there is generally something there that is tweaking your natural instincts of betrayal.

You should start looking for telltale signs that she is cheating. This could be claiming that she is working overtime. If this is so, you can come up with some reason that you need to phone her at work to find out if she is really there. If you find out that she has lied, you shouldn't automatically jump on her case because she will deny having an affair and your questions will only put her on alert. You can arrange to be hiding in the parking lot on a day when she says she has to work overtime and watch when she does leave the facility. Then you can follow her to see where she does go and whom she meets. With this proof you can make the accusation and find out what exactly is going on.

However, overtime is not always the excuse a woman uses to meet with her new lover. There are other signs you can look for such as new jewelry or a new hairstyle that is completely out of the ordinary for her. If your wife suddenly starts dressing more stylishly in spite of the fact that you have bought her stylish clothes in the past that she didn't wear, then this may be a sign that something is going on behind your back.

Does she tend to be more secretive when on the phone? If you have Caller ID on the telephone, then you may be able to see what numbers are listed there and if there are any that you don't recognize. Try calling back to the numbers to see who answers, but again the caller may also be able to identify the number and put your wife on alert. By using a reverse phone look up, you can find the name and address of any unknown numbers and if you want even more information, a paid subscription will tell you just about everything you want to know about this person.

If you suspect your wife is meeting her lover in the family car or is talking to this person on her cell phone while in the car, there are many listening devices on the market that you can easily install in the vehicle. Even though you will get only one side of a telephone conversation, it may be the information that you need.

About the Author

For more information on how to catch a cheating wife,signs of a cheating spouse and other cheating related topics visit

sign of a cheating wife